All end of year is the same: we usually make a huge list of things to accomplish, but (as everybody knows) we don’t change much our habits and we can’t figure out why our resolutions don’t last.
Well, and if we focus on who we are? In a society where matters what we can have, it’s really daunting to do something different and be daring. All self-help books (and I hate them all) tell us about who we supposed to be, innovating ourselves and everything else, but why don’t put our strength on who we really are?
What makes us a valuable person? Our degrees? Our car and house, where we live? Our lack of failures? Our bank accounts or our top cell phones? The brands of our clothes? Gosh, think that in a fraction of a second, all these supposed values can be taken away from us.
I used to think on these topics on a regular basis, but eventually I got tired of them, because even when it looks like I have everything, I feel depressed, so I don’t need to be a genius to get that material values are not the way to feel happy and fulfilled.
Don’t be obsessed about creating a new yourself, think about challenging yourself as a task along this year and set new goals, as for example, enhance your English skills ;-)
Here, I put this paragraph that I read on the Oprah Winfrey webite:
“Being yourself takes courage, commitment and faith. It's a process of letting go of many false beliefs you've picked up from the collective consciousness: that you have to look good, be smart, know the right people, say the right things, have the proper experience, in order to be happy and successful in life. Being yourself can be scary and counterintuitive, difficult and even off-putting and, at times, lonely. However, being your authentic self is liberating, exciting and fulfilling. When you have the courage to just be who you are, without apology or pretense, so much of the suffering, stress and worry in life simply disappears.”
For more, go to http://www.oprah.com/article/spirit/knowyourself/pkgempoweryourself/20100108-orig-mike-robbins-new-year-be-you
Note that these recommendations, very often, are for me, too.